The Best Control Rackets of 2023

We present you in our online padel shop with the best prices a new article where we have studied the best padel control padel rackets 2023. Before I begin, I would like to emphasize that all opinions expressed in this article are truthful and verified.

How do you know if a racket is a control racket? Here we explain.

The control of a racket varies according to its fibre, density or shape.

When you are looking for the best control padel rackets, the main feature to take into account is the shape of the racket. A control racket should have a rounded shape, 100% carbon fibre and a medium density.

  • Rounded shape: it will give us a very large sweet spot in the centre of the racquet.
  • Carbon fibre: it will give us the perfect stiffness and control over our shots. If, on the other hand, we were to use fibreglass, the racket would be too flexible, and although we would gain ball output, we would lose control over our shot.
  • Rubber density: May vary from player to player. From Stock Padel we recommend starting with a medium rubber, which will give us a great ball control/output ratio. As we increase our level of play, we could perfectly well opt for a high density EVA rubber, thus giving a plus of power without losing control.

Having clarified the main characteristics, let’s see which are the perfect padel rackets for control players.

Our take on the most controllable padel rackets of 2023

Bullpadel rackets with more control:

Bullpadel Vertex Control 03

This racket is the new weapon for this year 2023 of Fede Chingotto professional player of World Padel Tour. Possibly the racket with the most control of the Bullpadel 2023 collection. Compared to previous versions, its weight has been reduced by 8 to 10 grams, making it easier to handle.

Made of 100% carbon fibre, with a medium density eva rubber inside and 12K carbon on the sides. Its round shape and fantastic weight give it an exceptional balance. If you are an experienced padel player and your strong point is defence, this is the racket for you!

Bullpadel Hack 03 Control 2023

Bullpadel high-end racket, with a round shape, 100% carbon fiber and a high density rubber or “hard”, provides perfect control for players who also need power. In this case, the carbon it incorporates is 18K, so in our opinion it feels a bit softer than the Vertex Control. If you are an advanced player, you need to try this racket, it will provide the control you need in your maximum power shots.

Paddle Coach control rackets:

Paddle Coach Bitubox

It is the racket with the most control in the collection. Featuring a round shape, made of medium density rubber and covered 100% by the reliable 3K carbon, the feel of this model is incredible. At the back of the court and on low balls or wall rebounds it offers a lot of control, when we go up to the net it doesn’t penalise the power at all. Its double tubular design makes it a very well balanced racket and avoids arm pains.

Paddle Coach Airbox

A classic model, which returns made of 3k carbon in the tubular and alutex fibre in the flat. The high density rubber in the core gives it an aggressive feel that does not penalise control as it is round in shape. In the centre of the plane, the perforation has been avoided to improve the control of each shot. Its design is spectacular.

Adidas 2023 Control Rackets:

Adidas Adipower CTRL 3.2

Once again, Adidas renews one of its best-selling control rackets. It is the one chosen by Alex Ruiz, a round format racket, with high density rubber and TexTreme carbon on both sides. With a hard rubber inside, it will also provide fantastic power. Includes mould type roughness (no wear).

Adidas Adipower Ctrl. Multiweight

This is the racket used by the Spanish World Padel Tour player, Alex Ruiz. This is characterised by the different possibilities of changing the balance, it has five weights on the side frames of the racket, which, as you regulate from top to bottom, will vary the balance and will make the racket more powerful or more controllable. It also has a weight in the upper frame, which will also adjust the balance and weight.

Adidas Metalbone Ctrl 3.2

This racket has the same materials as the Adidas Metalbone by Ale Galán, but it has a different balance, which provides greater safety at the back of the court. If you are a more defensive player, this is your ideal racket. This Adidas racket is designed for players with an advanced level.

Star Vie 2023 control rackets:

Star Vie Metheora Dual

This racket has a 3K carbon layer and has more ball feel on every shot. It is a rounded blade with moulded roughness on the plane, providing balance and equilibrium. Ideal for advanced players.

Star Vie Titania Kepler

This year the brand has again implemented two versions of this racket, Pro and Speed. If we play with strength we will probably like the Pro version more, if on the other hand our game is more linked to placing the ball and defending, from Stock Padel we recommend the Speed version. The balance is very good thanks to its rounded shape.

Nox control rackets:

Nox AT10 Genius 12K by Agustín tapia

This new Nox racket is one of the best control rackets on the market. This is due to a hybrid shape, with medium density eva rubber and carbon in both the frame and the faces. If you are looking for a great control-power ratio, this is the racket for you. This padel is a little softer than the one used by Tapia, which is the 18k model.

Nox ML10 Bahia Luxury 23

For its format is a classic control racket, this new model with 12K carbon in the plane and a medium density rubber inside is recommended for drive players.

Nox ML10 Pro Cup Coorp 23

Nox’s best-selling racket, undoubtedly a very comfortable racket and of which we only have good experiences. Carbon tubular, fibreglass in the flat and a medium density rubber provide a great feeling of comfort. Recommended for defensive players looking for a good ball exit and a low balance.

Nox ML10 Pro Cup Luxury 23

This racket is used by the World Padel Tour player, Miguel Lamperti, it has a round shape that gives more control to the racket, its core uses HR3 Core technology, the racket has a 3k carbon layer, makingit harder than the basic model.

In addition, its frame is 100% carbon, finally it incorporates an anti-vibration system for greater control over the racket and sandblasted finish flats.

Babolat control rackets:

Babolat Counter Viper

A round shaped racket, where the low balance gives you great control and together with its hard rubber, the feel is simply spectacular. The tubular is made of 100% carbon, 3K carbon has been used for the faces, providing the right control and power. In the core we find the multilayer EVA that provides great ball exit.

If you identify yourself as an advanced level player, we recommend you to use this racket, it will increase your control on the court without losing the confidence you need in the game.

Babolat Counter Veron

It is a light racket with a round shape and low balance that provides great control. The tubular is 100% carbon, the faces are interspersed with carbon fibre and fibreglass, this makes for a comfortable feel without losing power.

In the core we find Black Eva for a better feel when hitting the ball. On the plane we have decal-like roughness to enhance the effects. Ideal for players with an intermediate level of padel.

Babolat Counter Vertuo

Round-shaped racket, made of 100% carbon in the tubular and fibreglass in the flat. Soft but very comfortable feel. If your level of play is intermediate or beginners, this control racket is perfect, it will help you to get more ball output at the back of the court.

Head rackets with more control:

Head Speed Pro

This racket is designed with a teardrop shape, it has a medium-high balance, which increases our power in the game but without losing the control that characterises back court players. If you have been playing padel for a long time and your level is high, this racket could be perfect for you.

Head Zephyr Pro 23

If you are an intermediate player, the new 2023 model is ideal for you, its round shape, with 3k carbon will increase your control and power.

Head Zephyr UL 23

The frame of this racket is made of stronger materials for greater durability. The faces contain fibreglass, the core is made of eva rubber which provides ball output.

So much for our selection of the best control padel rackets for this season 2023. We would like to clarify that this selection is based on tests carried out by the Stock Padel team, so there may be other models on the market that we have not included.

Features of padel rackets for control players

The control provided by a padel racket is related to the shape, fibre and type of rubber selected at the time of manufacture.

In terms of the fibre of the plane and the density of the rubber, we must find the optimum ratio between them that suits our level of play.

If we choose to use fibreglass we will get a very comfortable feel with a good ball output, although we will lose some control. If our level of play is intermediate it may be sufficient. On the other hand, if we have polished our technique and we are looking to make a leap in quality, we should choose a 100% carbon racket that gives us a slightly drier feel, but without a doubt the precision and control of our shots will be much more accurate.

As for the density of the rubber, at Stock Padel we assure you that a 100% carbon racket with a soft or medium density rubber provides enough control for the vast majority of players. Only if our level of play is advanced and we require a lot of power, we recommend choosing a high density rubber (hard rubber).

Acerca de Enrique

Gerente de Stock Padel:

Soy el co-fundador de Stock Padel en 2018, responsable de la tienda física y online. Además, agarré mi primera pala de padel alrededor de 1998, en una pista de muro y cemento de las que hoy escasean.

Dicho esto, solo espero poder transmitirte los conocimientos que he adquirido tras 20 años dentro de la pista, comparando productos que recibimos en la tienda y conociendo en profundidad la materia prima y habiendo visitado algunas de las mejores fábricas del mundo.

Si un producto no te conviene, jamás te lo recomendaré.


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